For the past many months I have been trying to figure out, if there are actual researches on the specific stocks of Indian stock markets or just same reports circulating without anything new. One can google- Fundamentals of a XYX company and you will have research reports as old as 2-3 year old, no particular fundamental free report(not even summarised) or a compilation of various recommendations.
Now You will get a compilation of various research reports and get an exact idea about, on what path a company is moving. Not a blind statement but present facts being taken care of.
To give you an example-- For the last one year or so Asian paints have been a darling of stock market and many recommendation of Buy considering that Crude was going down and kying low which will result in tremendous profit growth of the company because of crude derivatives being major component of paint industries raw material.But now after their results, from the last year april to this year, crude is averaging 65$ whereas the corresponding last year it would have been 95$. Any significant change in the profitability justifying a PE of 55+ . Answer is NO. So where have all the analysis gone??
And Now if you will google-" Asian paints outlook for 2015? just see what you get? Old recommendations but no current outlook barring a few, cautioning that target price reduced to sub 800 level, from 800 plus level. Same is the case of major stocks.
Shall we do something?
Is there a need ?
Please Guide so that we all can be helped out...