Sunday, 10 July 2016

Let the Mind flow to the direction it loves!

Hi Friends,

Coming to my blog after so many days or even months, and I don't know if you missed my posts in this period or not. I would be happy if you actually missed  and if not then no complaints of what your mind was upto!
Image result for pictures of delay

You know during the posts I created, my mind wandered to think about different aspects of life and chalked it on paper/blog here, and I myself came to view life closely.

I learned to just relax and think, and not just run after daily routines of life. I started to think about various aspects which went unnoticed although they very much existed in life of all of us.

We all have been child, had good or bad times, had or are having various upheavals in life so the thought provoking aspects of life touch every person at any point of time.

I got to some thoughts about mind this time, but didn't write and just let it happen to me first.
During this intervening period I made it a point that I will just let my mind decide when to come on blog and not my brain tell me. For many days I was missing something and was wondering what, and that was this blog but my mind was not in a mood to write. Now when I am writing, I am feeling more contented to be here and feeling that I had let my mind decide what to do.

This whole detail is about " Let the flow of Mind take action sometimes and not brain". it is very difficult to actually assess whether it is your brain acting or mind, mind is the essence of heart and a part of unconscious brain together.
Image result for image of mind
If sometimes you will let your mind decide when to do some of your hobby or even routine work, you would feel more enjoyable to do that. Of course you would tell me that "how one can wait for routine work to be postponed and done when your mind says", but friend this routine work is not your office work, but it could be any of your routines too, cleaning your desk, dror or almirah, anything. And just let your mind goes where it want to.

Sitting and doing nothing could be a work your mind may love sometimes(on holidays or after office hours of course, don't want to make you lose your job :)

This is difficult to understand but I suggest that you to give it a try.This could be your movie watching or new music uploads, which you use to do in routine.
These days you could have lot of time to complete them but if you would complete this way, you would feel a lot satisfied even on tearing useless pages or downloading some music or checking your second unused email ID and feel as contented. Very strange it may sound but no costs so go on!

This time the post is not about the living but about an innocuous habit or routine.

Now my mind has made me come here so next posts would be coming sooner and more frequently and if not -- then this thought is just a flash of my mind which shouldnot be much to think about.
Image result for image of a sad face

Bye and take care !

Monday, 28 March 2016

Just Think and Change- Less than half of your life is left OR even lesser!!

Hello Readers!

What is your age dear friends?

Not to disclose here or tell anyone, neither I am telling you that how long are you going to live!

Just think over, How many years of your Life have you lived and rethink?

"Do you remember how last 10 year or 20 year went or spent"?
Most of the answers would be "Yes, I remember most of it, they passed as if it were few days and as if it was just months of this year. Some may remember that as vividly as if it happened yesterday..

Do you know " How the next 10/20 years are going to be spent from now onward"?

Most of us would be very skeptical about that and fearful too, but mind you, they would also pass as the last years, few of the times Good and some not So Good.

We are going to spend our next years too like that only, how we spent before, with the exception that our routines, studies, families would see some changes- kids completing education,marriages happening in family, some good and some not so good happenings BUT that happened in last few years too.

Image result for image of stop and wait sign

Wait, Stop ,Think and now move ahead. Don't just live the balance life without knowing how time is passing but make Time pass with some new work done so that each Year which pass from now onwards would be an year to be remembered for - my visit to my old uncle's/aunt's place or to my childhood friend or an orphanage near a place you live, or my childhood hobby being revived(even if a bit), my tryst with ground situation of the world by over seeing the activities of downtrodden, Or revisiting my painting interests OR it could be anything different from daily chores.

Image result for smiley faceAND friend- what will it take- probably a few hours or just a few days in a whole year, and I must tell you that an Year has 365 days.

I think we all have forgotten that 10 years have 3650+ days !! Can't we do something in 5/10 years that makes a particular year worthwhile OR shall we just keep running and running and spend our lives and ONE day seeing ourselves on the Bed with our siblings, may or may not be beside us and at that time thinking that "Ohh Life passed as if it were of few days, I couldn't even feel the time spent, all was the same"

Yes, we must go for holidays and fun time but that time doesn't come between this one and many of us even don't spare time for holidays too, hey my fellow homosapiens*, don't just become homo sapiens as in text books but Live a human life.( *homosapiens is the biological name of human beings).

So take leave from work for works which can't be called as work BUT they will be counted when we all say adieu to this World.

Will be coming more often now, my time too is getting fast depleted!!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

YEAR 2016- Another Year -Make it better


NEW YEAR wishes to all my bloggers.

So 2015 has come to an end and 2016 has started !

Everyone would've got his/her own set of joys and woes from 2015.
2015 had been good for many and for the ones who had good year would be skeptical about 2016.

AND whose 2015 had been BAD would be looking to 2016 with great hope.

Do 2015-16 OR 2017 or 14 matter? OR Is it in our mind only?

According to Astro science Year number do matter as per person's numero life numbers BUT looking at past predictions, that predicted doomsday, for a year like 2012 and some year were said to be sure shot world war years, one feels these all things are only fifty percent correct.

What way to chart out for the ensuing year to get wishes come true or to get on the path of wishes & satisfaction?
Whatever you do with your numero life which means number associated with your life like D.O.B and name being changed like adding ee or yy or anything to align your numbers according to the year 2016, one thing is sure- You won't get satisfaction and fulfilling accomplishment in next years unless you enjoy the happiness sharing with the less privileged ones.

Once you share and widen the base of your happiness the spiritual forces will work in, to ensure that you get the best of times because fact is that, with one person many people are associated, in the world that we can't get to know.
And the power that is governing this world always favour toward one who work things that make people believe in the ultimate power.It is easy to say that when I will have this much of money I will help the less privileged this way or that But it is even easier to act even in present circumstances of yours.

Many ways to help those people without them knowing.e.g- when you are bargaining with someone for his labour work, after you've done the bargaining give more money than promised by you after the work.

You will say "why!!, this is sheer waste" ,but that money wasted by you would be felt extra income by that person and would've spent that in a more leisurely manner than regular money with his family And with one person you will get happiness of 3-5 people depending on him.Yes, one cannot fill the pockets of mass poverty but one can be a person whom he may remember as a good customer.

This whole logic may look foolish on a first view but my dear friends- Try it and you will feel the changes that you will feel in your mind and yourself feeling better.

Will be coming out with an entirely new spiritheoratics soon that will make all of us light and better people to live with.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Higher Your "FGTF" to be happy always.

Hi Friends!

We all are now living in a highly scientific & advanced technology times where we have quantified and love to hear about everything on some basis or figures like "what's the BHP", "How much GB", "How much mp(megapixel)"?, "what's the package"? "2G or 3G"?

This quantification has also been awarded to the happiness and most people think that this happiness level is more with being more famous or having more money but it is Not XXXXXXXX
Actually this is where the Subject line of this post that is "FGTF" comes into play.

What is "FGTF"?

FGTF is "Feel Good Trigger Factor"

                                                                                                                  FGTF is " Level of happiness attained on the basis/level of event"-Level of happiness achieved on the smallest of event would mean "Highest FGTF"

Level of event may be as low as reaching office on time despite traffic Or on seeing your child scoring good in small tests Or on meeting friends Or on watching a good movie.

OR As high as getting a new car Or seeing your child stand first among all Or nothing less than a foreign trip.

To elaborate further, suppose you and a colleague of yours were going on an office trip to a foreign destination and a plane mishap occurs and you had to crash land at a place where both of u had to stay for  a week to get back , while the next batch of your colleagues got there at conference and got extra value points in career sheet..

"Would you be happy being saved Or sad having missed the value points in your career sheet"?
So the one who is happy has a high FGTF while one who is sad is having a low FGTF.

This "FGTF" is a relative term and cannot be used isolated because unlike a normal earning man, a poor beggar would be v happy getting a 1000 rs note so he is having higher FGTG but he shall be compared to his' likewise person.

While a "Low FGTF" person can boast that he/she is quite matured &sophisticated but the matter of the fact is that he/she would be missing the joys of life as a whole.
That "low FGTF" person would be happy in very few times like being admired publicly or by sycophants Or when people acknowledge his/her feats and not by achieving feat alone.

So your mind's happiness fuel should be like petrol which ignites easily, on a small good event, like petrol on lightest of fire,whereas the mind's sadness fuel should be like a glass which cannot ignite easily on sad events easily but yes it can hotten on prolonged sadness but wouldn't catch fire. Saying that it wouldn't even hotten would be like asking to be like God!
Make yourself happy in circumstances like first monsoon rain or a good traffic day or an evening with friends and feel every day to be a good day when nothing bad happenend.

If all celebrities had been happy then all would've lived the most and not died by overdose or something unnatural. This doesn't mean that all successful are unhappy but the fact is that, one who takes things in stride what nature is giving is the happiest- Be it a private jet or a private bicycle!

In third world countries getting electricity after power cuts is a moment of joy so in developed world one should find easy triggers like having encountered low traffic and good work day to be  moments of joy.

Don't wait for vastly different things or events to happen for you, to be happy but find the slightest of things to be happy.

Stay Happy and Enjoy Life!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

'Tomorrow never Dies, But Today will'

Hi Folks!

The die hard fans of James Bond and others must be acquainted with one of his hit movie"Tomorrow never dies" 
as the name suggests - Life of tomorrow has to be saved today at all costs and that is what Mr Bond is doing in the movie...

But the true essence of the theme must be that tomorrow never dies but today has to and it will!

So while you must be preparing for tomorrow, that must not be at the cost of today's pleasure and enjoyment of life.

So while enmity,hatred and prejudices must be eliminated for better tomorrow, happiness and freedom of thoughts must be ensured for today.

This is just one life, you won't get it again-this theory propels us to bulldoze ourselves over others or prioritize our self over others

BUT this is absolutely flawed,

Whatever you do or whatever good life you live -at the end one would feel that he/she could've lived better. And if the life comes only once then the recent research which spans history of mankind to 50000 years makes this claim absurd, God do not have so many souls to cater to so many years of existence, they have to be reclaimed

Yes it is right to enjoy life to the fullest but in the quest to make it best we forget the beauty of life and the ways to make it. You will always feel a lot better when enjoyment involves more people.
Be a saver and spender too .

So while thinking about aggregating for tomorrow don't forget to live today. Knowing that this is one of many thousand's view which is being shared every now and then, still I felt to share it !

Monday, 5 October 2015

Sun is Shining Always-Giving Shine to Everyone and You!

Daily we wake up seeing a bright Sun above us, no matter we wake up at 5am or at 11am!

We can be at bed in morning OR go out in the park. 

When we go out we experience a nice morning and bright SUN which is ubiquitous(universal to all) and shining happily to you irrespective of whether you have come for the first time in many years or coming daily for the last many years!

Do we have the same compassion for others?

Will our brightness fade if we behave like Sun?

"That fellow is a snob kind"/ "he is an egoist"/ "she is damn caring about others" -

Above feelings come to everyone's mind for any person in his/her circle on the basis of perception one has built over the time for him Or may be the person is actually near to the term described.
In case of any bad happenings to the person we are talking about, these feelings aggravates.

So he/she ignored us or brushed us aside, then we must give him his cup of bad behavior that he deserves?
 Isn't it so and we will feel satisfied as "Yes, here comes my turn and now he will feel the pinch"?

So shall Sun should also do it like that, whenever sparingly or when doctor advises us to go in morning to have a feel of fresh day? 
Should Air make itself more pleasant for the regulars and not us? 
Trees should give more oxygen to the ones who have made it feel it's existence?
'Because we had been ignoring it for the past many years and now we have come because of our necessity.

Dear fellows, nature shows us the path, to deal with the surroundings although we call ourselves as active living beings!

Yes, it's easier said than done but we may try, build compassion for everyone, when one is in dire straits don't bring sympathy in your mind but empathy for him/her!

Sympathy is just having a kind feeling for other but empathy is experiencing the feeling by putting yourself in that stage!

Difficult, it is really difficult but whenever that stage comes, just think of the Sun and you will get the motivation to be, if not like it then at least near to it.

Don't get yourself embroiled in hatred but if other hates then just move as if that person is not present at all so be happy and cheerful!

Send your message to the writer


Saturday, 12 September 2015

Spiritual Comfort- Click Only the pictures, by your eye's camera !

Hi Friends!

Have you ever noticed that when we are commuting to our office, or just roaming around the city, or going out of station we see many things that come across our eyes. Many things are just seen and ignored BUT most of the good looking things get embedded into the mind, and we think over it again and again.

When we see a person sporting a lavish car or a beautiful place or house , we think and part of our mind, which has an insatiable desire for more & more things, gets active. Our feelings of well being goes down, whatsoever we are.If  this doesnot happen to you then you are blessed with the best of spiritual mind and soul!

The level of feeling down, depend on person to person, it can be just a bit or it could be too high- even a normal passing day could become restless thinking about the pale comparison of your own Honda city or Toyota corolla with a Jaguar /porche/maybach OR a bike with simply a car!

Is it natural to all of us and if yes then what can be done for it? 
Ohh Leave it, it happens, nothing could be done!

Is this your view point? 

Then see the other side!

Have you ever used a camera to take pictures? 
Did the camera clicks and save the images to memory card without your command?
Simply "NO" 

It just see whatever comes in front of the lens and clicks only if we want, otherwise moves over to the new image .
So your camera may have seen umpteen images but would've taken only few images backhome.

Just DO it like that- Make your eyes a camera only!

See whatever comes in front of your lens but donot get engulfed in any of the images' landscape.

What you see is not meant to be stored in your mind and to be given a thought always, but things are to be seen and cherished, that you have got these wonderful lens in form of eyes to see the things.
ONLY when there is involvement of compassion or humanity, one needs to store the image and learn from what has been seen and follow or not follow, whatever is good for him/her. You cannot forget act of violence OR any harsh reality as those images must be secured and not ignored for the betterment of society and nurturing humanity in oneself.

Be Wise and be happy and feel light by moving around and looking to the world through camera of your eyes and not by seeing everything from the harddisks of your mind.

Have a light mood and be Happy with your Life!