Saturday, 13 May 2017

Is this World real or illusory!

Hi Friends!

This is the World/Earth we live in! Yes, a complex web created by the people living on this planet, because everyone(if not everyone), then most of the people living, thinking or wanting, their life to be immortal and this World being their last chance to register their presence till life exists!

In everyone's life he/she has a complete web of problems or situations that he/she has been facing in daily routine. Every one thinks his/her problems to be the biggest or the most important in context to other people around us. Because we think that this world is a last chance of our story of existence, and must be loud to be told to the next generations, so that our name become eternal! Generations who come after we have died, must talk about our story and our name become immortal!
We crave to enjoy the maximum out of this life, even if stepping over other's head, as if we had been living this life for the last many thousand years and would live for another thousand years!

So this means that we shouldn't enjoy or we shouldn't strive to have more material benefits of this life and not try to have name and fame?

Answer is "No, we should strive to have pleasures and enjoyment in life and should try hard to succeed BUT this is with a caveat, and that is - we should not run endlessly because no wealth had been and could be sufficient for anyone ever. Even Mr Buffet at the age of 86, and having billions of dollars is still striving to increase his company's worth more . Much better satisfied seems Bill Gates(microsoft) than him, though having seen two and half decades less than him!And there was Steve jobs who repented having had less time for himself in his lifetime, than gathering more for his company.

So my fellow creatures of this world, just know one thing that what soever you do or you live in your life, this world is real in itself but illusory for all of us who have come to exist on this earth for a limited period.
Don't panic, don't overjoy, don't lose heart that you have missed the bus to heaven on earth because who knows that you have already lived many many lives with different names in thousand of years of history of mankind, sometimes your one name has been immortal and sometimes it has gone unnoticed so take it what comes, in your stride.

Cheer and live as it comes! Hardships are very difficult to face and the time of hardships are the longest it seems,but just keep in mind one thing-  Different times will come and go, even if you are happy or sad, so choice is yours to spend it either way! Because no one knows if he/she would see next day morning or not? Life is long but short too, and no one knows about it!

Image result for image of thumbs up

You cannot be a winner all the times but it doesn't mean that you have been a loser.
It seems all lost when you see the materialistic side of this world but look at the spiritualistic side, and you would seem to be in race which is much longer than our life time.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Greetings for 2017, Be Positive for the Year and for Yourself.

My Friends! Warm wishes for the New Year 2017 ahead, have fun in the coming year with happiness and joyous mood always.

The last year may or may not have been good for each one of u but we have to look into 2017 with big positivity as it is the only way we can thank God and stay in this world a blessed. Being positive means we are understanding the intricacies of life and know that time always cannot be the same. We are happy to let nature takes it's own course and circumstances developing according to that.

This attitute is not only for the ones who believe in God but for all of us who believes in Life and death(which surely all of us do).

Whatever you do- Be perfect in your health routine, Be very cautious in eating and drinking, Be vigilant to make yourself less susceptible to any injury BUT we cannot (mind you, we cannot) extend our living on this earth with the same brain and body, beyond a certain length of extended years.
We all know that life is so unpredictable which makes us feel anxious as we don't know that for how long we will be living, but friends it is a fact that we all want to live the best of times of whatever life we live.

So if you are not getting what you feel will make you happy, your sadness or anxiousness won't either make it happen but make the present time also look awful.Also just cement one thing in mind that time is always not the same, though we sometimes may feel that, "ohh, i have been seeing that person having fun time since so long,but my good time didn't last long", but we cannot get an idea of what is transpiring in his life actually!

There is no one to stop you from living the way you want to, World can only stop you using the material thing but cannot stop you to experience good feeling in seeing nature, loving people, shortening distances of heart,making average moments special by having fun! It is easier said than done because we all have human egoistic mind, which will feel elated only seeing ourselves better off than others(but that better off is only in terms of money in this societal set up's mind).
Just feel positive and time will make all of us feel happy and better positioned to face any eventuality.

'Have a blessed 2017'